We all want that bargain saddle and finding that one used saddle that looks like the new one you have been dreaming of is so exciting. Here comes the BUT... The owners will always use trick wording to make you think your getting the best deal. They will say Like New, Barely Used, Stored Inside.
Those all seem like good things. HOWEVER, with DP saddles the leather is fantastic. It will look new while it's been used regularly and cared for properly. As a saddle fitter for DP we know how to read the notes left behind in the used flocking.
When we flip over the saddle and take a close look at the flocking it will show a print of the horse and the rider that owned it before. Sounds ok, your getting a used item and a discounted price.

Picture this, you are going to run a marathon and you grab your friends shoes by mistake. You're the same size, so should be ok. Well not exactly. Your toes and arches and roll of the ankle will not match theirs. You'll have pain from compensating for their posture and frame through the shoe. It's the same for horses. You may blame the saddle model or brand for it feeling off balance, or the horse not liking it. Using a used saddle with the other imprint is not fair to your horse or the brand. Your side of the saddle can be used and have imprints, but the horse who has to carry the rider should benefit from a fresh new saddle feel. It's completely possible, just reflock. ALL horses have asymmetry and ALL riders have asymmetry. Flocking like the shoe insole of a shoe stores this information.
Flocking maintenance is one thing that American's rarely do. They either don't keep the tack long enough to care, they sell it because the horse isn't performing well anymore in it, or they don't know they are supposed to do it. Healthy saddles are checked every 6 months for areas that get out of balance or have indentations that the horse can feel. Under normal use a DP saddle should only need reflocking every 4 years, that is longer than most companies that are 2 years. If you ride a lot this will be more often. The flocking pillow will compress under the rider, it's how it was designed. If the horse is not performing the same it could be because the old imprint of the saddle is shaped like their old body, the new body needs a refreshed panel. That is the beauty of flocking, it can be changed.

When was the last time your saddle was checked? If it's a DP saddle Top Hat will be happy to inspect the saddle for free and teach you how to inspect it.
Storage is another way to alter the flocking and saddle balance. See more on Storage HERE>. Untrained (or poorly trained) saddle fitters altering the saddle balance for specific horse and rider combinations. Read More HERE> That is something that is rarely disclosed when selling higher end saddle brands.
Top Hat Tack will not sell used saddles unless they have been inspected by Top Hat Tack and all flocking has been restored to a truly "like new" manufacturer balance. The buyer should not have to pay for the wear on the saddle that should be part of routine maintenance. If you purchase a used saddle from someone else plan to have it reflocked. Top Hat Tack will Top Hat Tack is happy to reflock any DP saddle for you, call for details (706-567-8738).